"Bittersweet October. The mellow, messy, leaf-kicking, perfect pause between the
opposing miseries of summer and winter."

-Carol Bishop Hipps

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

On Saturday after work i went up to Flaming Gorge with my family for the holiday weekend.  We had lots of fun playing at camp and watching BYU win!! 
 worm finally giving in to exhaustion

 BYU wins!

I love the scenery.  Absolutely beautiful.

Candra's Birthday

Last week we all got to go to Dan and Kristy's house for dinner and to meet Steven's new girlfriend Candra. (sorry if the spelling isn't right.) It just happened to be her birthday so of course we had to celebrate. It was fun to visit with everyone and eat Kristy's yummy food!

 The fat baby popping bubbles

Larn trying to fix the cat door Cache tried out.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


If you can't tell from the change in scenery on my blog i LOVE this time of year!  I can't wait for the season to start.  I talked Roy into getting season tickets with us... I don't think he understands what he has gotten himself in to!  Hopefully it doesn't change our relationship...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Oh yeah...

I forgot that we changed the hardware on the cabinents.  It is amazing how much better they look with just that little bit of change.

The old hardware was so dirty and just outdated.  We are also going to look at countertops on Friday.  Hopefully we find something we like and then the kitchen will be completely finished, I think.  I guess you never know with us.

The Remodeling Begins

After we decided on carpet for the downstairs, we decided the kitchen floor was really bad so...  we changed it.  My sister Wendi got a great deal for us on the flooring and Roy (with a lot of help from his brother Dan) put it in.  It looks tons better!  I am really happy with it.

 Laying the first piece.


The floor isn't quite done yet.  We are extending it down the hallway.  We also decided on new carpet for the whole house instead of just the basement.  I think that is all for now.:)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

stupid water started it all

We had a lot of excitement with water recently.  We noticed a weird smell coming from downstairs but couldn't figure out what it was.  Finally we went in the back bedroom and noticed that the carpet in the closet was soaked!  We started investigating and found out the Lovely previous owners drilled a 1 1/2" hole in the foundation when putting the sprinklers in and put a 3/4" pipe in it with nothing to fill the gap.  They then just buried it so water and dirt and who knows what else was coming in for who knows how long.  Also we discovered the pipe for the garden hose had froze and burst so everytime we were watering the garden, spraying the dog, etc. water was gushing in the closet wall.  It had been going on for long enough that it had spread to the other bedroom and the family room.  We tore up the carpet and pad and were just going to let it dry out but then we decided the carpet was really dirty and gross so we are just getting new carpet.  This was ALL we were going to do originally but it has now led to MANY more projects.  Stay tuned for updates on those.
 Looking down the stairs from the Kitchen
 Downstairs Family Room
 Front Bedroom
 Back Bedroom (this is where all the madness started)
 View from the Laundry Room down the Hallway
Looking back up the Stairs.

It's only the Wind and nothing more...

Last Wednesday I was talking to Melanie on the phone and the wind started to blow.  I heard some loud noises but I figured it wasn't anything big cause Mya didn't even budge.  Then the power went out.  I looked outside and saw our tree blown all over our yard and the neighbors yard.  Luckily Roy got home from work just then so he got to do most of the cleanup.  He asked if I saw the fence... which i was oblivious to.  That definately explained the loud noises I was hearing. 

 Roy picking up the fence.  It was old and ugly so I really wasn't that sad to see it go.

I just love the wind that we get out here...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

3 years

I can't believe that it has been 3 years since my grandpas died.  I miss them every day.  I was very lucky to have them in my life for as long as I did.  I am thankful for the knowledge that I have that I will see them both again and can't wait for that day! 

Monday, June 27, 2011

New Blog!

Ready or not I have started a blog.  Don't expect too much out of it but i thought it would be fun and give me something to do when i am chilling at home alone.