"Bittersweet October. The mellow, messy, leaf-kicking, perfect pause between the
opposing miseries of summer and winter."

-Carol Bishop Hipps

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Oh Baby!

We officially stopped birth control the middle of May.  Neither of us could admit that we were "trying" to have a baby.  As much as I wanted one it is still a big scary step.  The end of June I had started to feel a little different.  I decided to take a pregnancy test and it came back negative.  A few days later the results were confirmed when I started my period.  We were a little relieved.  Roy left for work and I went to my parents house for the 4th of July holiday.  Well my period stopped after 1 day.  I kept waiting for it to start again but it never did.  Every day when Roy would call he would ask if I had any visitors yet.  The longer it went the more anxious I became.  I waited a full week to take a test again.  I wanted Roy to be home.  I didn't think this was something that I could tell him over the phone.  On July 10, I finally gave in and took the test.  It took about 15 seconds for it to change.  I pretty much knew at that point but to see the positive test still freaked me out.  Roy got home around noon and I told him.  He said he pretty much knew so he wasn't too surprised.  I called my doctor and set up an appointment.   On August 2, 8 weeks prego, we went to our first appointment.  They took a gallon of blood and ran all kinds of crazy tests.  Then they took us over and did an ultrasound. 
I wish I would have had a camera on Roy when the baby came on the screen.  He looked terrified!  It definitely became very real at that moment.  Seeing the heartbeat was awesome.  On August 30 we had another Dr. appointment and we were able to hear the heart beat.  Everything is looking good.  I have been sick but it seems to be getting better.  I can't wait to find out what this little peanut is!  Based on the heartbeat the doctor guessed it was either a boy or a lazy girl.  (Boys heartbeats are usually slower than Girls) 
We decided to wait till I was 12 weeks to tell anybody. I didn't think it would be very hard to keep quiet but it was! I can't tell you how many times we both almost slipped in just regular conversation. I had a couple people ask me point blank if I was pregnant. I think I covered up pretty well.  Definitely happy that the secret is out now!  We are very excited and can't wait for the little addition to our family!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 3 and 4

Roy goes back to work tomorrow so we have been trying to finish.  I think we did a pretty good job.
Grout done
End of Day 3 
 Grout dry and ready for sealer.
 Close up of shower grout.
 Next came a fresh coat of paint.
 The new vanity
 New solid surface top.
 New potty.  Yay!
End of day 4.  We still have a little work to do but atleast when I wake up in the middle of the night and need to go potty I don't have to run downstairs!  It looks really good.  I am so glad that I married someone who can do improvements!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Joys of Remodeling

 It has begun!!  Here is the Before...
 The awesome old flooring.  Notice the lovely hole in the middle where my dog decided she was hungry and ate it.  I think she secretly knew how much I did not like it.
 The lovely shower.  Originally we were not going to do anything with this but of course we changed our minds.  I was the major driving force behind this one.  I really just wasn't digging the grey, green, and white look.
 The vanity.  We originally were only going to changed the top but it was glued to the base and we couldn't get it apart.  That means... New vanity coming soon!
 Toilet.  Nothing really wrong with this but we got a new one. 
 This tub was so gross!  It always looked dirty no matter how much we scrubbed it.  We were just going to refinish it to get rid of the awesome chips but to save time and hassel we bought a new one.
 Demolition!  The old tile was glued right to the drywall so you can see what happened as we took it down.
 All stripped down
 This is what the bathroom looked like at the end of Day 1.  Ready for some tile! 
 Day 2 was full of progress.  Floor done and ready for grout.
Shower mostly done.  The boys have worked their butts off and it all looks really good.  I am excited to get the finishing touches done and have my bathroom back!

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Roy started doing drive bys this week instead of 24 hour service.  That means he is home every night which I LOVE!  I hated sleeping alone all the time.  I hear noises and freak myself out.  Any way... He leaves around 6 or 7 every morning.  I usually wake up and make him a lunch then when he leaves I crawl back in bed.   Since he gets up pretty early he wants to go to bed pretty early.  He crashes immediately and since I always go back to bed I lay wide awake for hours.  I hate it so I decided that when I get up to make him a lunch, I was just going to stay up.  It is amazing how much time you have to get things done when you get up at 6.  We have some touch up painting that still needed to be finished so yesterday I decided that would be a good project for me.  Well... I can't just do touch up painting of course...
 This wall had a big patch on it... You can see it behind the paint bucket if you look closely.
 This wall had a patch down by the outlet by the door.
 I don't know what the previous owners had on this wall but there was a ton of patch jobs here.

Roy had no idea I was painting.  It was kinda fun to see his reaction when he got home.  I started painting our room but I have not finished yet so stay tuned for those pictures!  I woke up this morning and can barely walk.  I look like my dad trying to walk! (Love you Dad!)  I love painting though.  It is a pain in the butt and takes way too long by yourself but I love looking at the finished product!  I keep walking into the kitchen just to stare at my walls.  I am a major nerd, I know.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Jordan & Taylor

Roy's niece Jordan got married on December 30 in the Salt Lake Temple.  Roy had to work so we weren't able to go to the wedding but luckily they had a reception in Vernal the night before and I was able to go to that.  She looked so beautiful.
 Kinsley getting some hoops in before guests started to arrive.
 Berklee, Travis, Larn, Cache, Amy, and Kerrah
 Almost Ready
 Cute pictures
 Silly Miss Kinsley
 Jake the Snake
These two are so cute!  I am so excited for them!  Taylor is one lucky boy!

Our First Christmas

We decided to stay home for our First Christmas.  We tried to go to a movie in Vernal on Christmas Eve but the theater was closed.  I will never understand this place.  So instead we went to Roy's brother Dan and Kristy's and played games.  It was a fun night.  Christmas morning we woke up and opened our gifts.  Santa was very good to us this year.  After opening gifts we went to church.  What an awesome opportunity it was to go to church on Christmas and reflect on the real meaning of this season.  I am so thankful for my Savior and for the sacrifice He made for me.  We went to dinner at Dan and Kristy's later that day.  Kristy made an awesome meal like usual.  When I grow up I want to be able to cook like Kristy.  She really is amazing.  After dinner we just visited with family and played games.  What a perfect way to top off a fun day.
 Christmas Eve self portrait
Our Christmas Eve gift... What could it possibly be?!
Roy can hardly contain his excitement!
 Santa came!
 Our stockings.  Santa is so thoughtful... even Mya got one.
 All night he was pestering me to open the gifts but when it is finally time to wake up and go open them guess who refuses to get out of bed!  He is going to be so happy that i posted this picture!:)
 Mya lovin her new duck.  About 2 minutes after this picture was taken she had all bitten the head off.  She sure enjoyed that gift.
 Roy with his loot.  He got a lot of new clothes and a pretty cool picture.  The shirt he is holding is the soundtrack shirt that Raj wore in the Big Bang Theory.  I was very excited that i found it for him!
Me with my awesome new sewing/embrodery machine.  I am excited to get some material and have some fun with this.  My goal is to start a craft blog and sell all kinds of things.  This is the start of it all.  I can't wait.  I missed my family like crazy but I am so thankful that I married into such a loving, fun family.  They have accepted me with open arms.  I am truly one lucky girl! 

Happy Birthday Dad!

Since most of us live in Vernal/Roosevelt my parents and Wendi came to us for my dad's birthday.  We all went to dinner at Pelican Lake and then went back to our house to visit.
 The kids cuddled up watching Tangled.
 Tanner and Silly Mili
Lou and Sammer.  Once again I didn't get any pictures of the adults or the birthday boy.  I did get the most important ones though.  I love these kiddos and wish I got to spend a little more time with them!

Bride to Be

Roy's niece Jordan got married last month (that post to come).  We had a shower for her in Payson at a place called... Crap, I can't remember.  This is what happens when you have to do posts months and months later.  Well it was a cool place any way.
 Hot Chocolate Bar and Doughnuts.
 Yum Yum
 We put the boys to work decorating before we kicked them out.  Girls Only!
 Jordan's spot
 Filling out cute advice cards madlib style.
 the Loot!
Jo with her mouth full of gum.  They play a fun question game and whenever you miss a question or your significant other misses a question you have to eat a piece of gum.  I am glad that her mouth was just as full as mine was when I played it.  Amy came up with the entire shower idea and decor.  She did such a good job.  It was a lot of fun and looked amazing.  Thanks for getting married Jo!