"Bittersweet October. The mellow, messy, leaf-kicking, perfect pause between the
opposing miseries of summer and winter."

-Carol Bishop Hipps

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Oh Baby!

We officially stopped birth control the middle of May.  Neither of us could admit that we were "trying" to have a baby.  As much as I wanted one it is still a big scary step.  The end of June I had started to feel a little different.  I decided to take a pregnancy test and it came back negative.  A few days later the results were confirmed when I started my period.  We were a little relieved.  Roy left for work and I went to my parents house for the 4th of July holiday.  Well my period stopped after 1 day.  I kept waiting for it to start again but it never did.  Every day when Roy would call he would ask if I had any visitors yet.  The longer it went the more anxious I became.  I waited a full week to take a test again.  I wanted Roy to be home.  I didn't think this was something that I could tell him over the phone.  On July 10, I finally gave in and took the test.  It took about 15 seconds for it to change.  I pretty much knew at that point but to see the positive test still freaked me out.  Roy got home around noon and I told him.  He said he pretty much knew so he wasn't too surprised.  I called my doctor and set up an appointment.   On August 2, 8 weeks prego, we went to our first appointment.  They took a gallon of blood and ran all kinds of crazy tests.  Then they took us over and did an ultrasound. 
I wish I would have had a camera on Roy when the baby came on the screen.  He looked terrified!  It definitely became very real at that moment.  Seeing the heartbeat was awesome.  On August 30 we had another Dr. appointment and we were able to hear the heart beat.  Everything is looking good.  I have been sick but it seems to be getting better.  I can't wait to find out what this little peanut is!  Based on the heartbeat the doctor guessed it was either a boy or a lazy girl.  (Boys heartbeats are usually slower than Girls) 
We decided to wait till I was 12 weeks to tell anybody. I didn't think it would be very hard to keep quiet but it was! I can't tell you how many times we both almost slipped in just regular conversation. I had a couple people ask me point blank if I was pregnant. I think I covered up pretty well.  Definitely happy that the secret is out now!  We are very excited and can't wait for the little addition to our family!

1 comment:

  1. Love this cute post! I am so excited for you both. You are going to be AWESOME parents. I miss you!
